Poetry : As I Meet You


As I met up with you at your home,
I remembered the first time we met.

As I greeted you when you entered the car,
I remembered the first time we spoke.

As we drove to our destination,
I remembered the first time I picked you up.

As we walked in the shopping mall,
I remembered when we went on our first outting together.

As we sat down and had dinner,
I remembered the first time we shared our first meal together.

As we left for the car,
I remembered the first time we ended our first meal with laughter.

As we decided to stop by for a drink,
I remembered the first time we stayed up late night chatting.

As we parked the car,
I remembered the first time our chats got more personal.

As we sat down at the cafe,
I remembered the first time I felt my feelings for you.

As we chatted about our daily lives,
I remembered the first time I was trying to muster up the courage.

As we started to go into our personal lives,
I remembered the first time I looked at you intently.

As we started to talk about your love life,
I remembered how happy and cheerful you were.

As I saw you slowly gaze into space,
I remembered how you looked when I first confessed to you.

As I saw you break that empty look into a smile,
I remembered how you said you were seeing someone else.

As you said you were okay with the way things were in your life,
I remembered my sadness and the mustering of courage to accept it.

As you said that you left things to fate,
I remembered how we grew silently apart.

As I then spoke about my love life,
I remembered how you spoke to me after our long silence.

As I spoke about the pain I went through,
I remembered how we started talking again.

As you smiled and said that all the suffering was part of life,
I remembered how we started to meet up again more often.

As you suddenly winced and complained about aching shoulders,
I remembered how we spoke about the deeper things in life to each other.

As I gently rubbed your shoulders trying to relieve the pain,
I remembered the times when we stood close to each other whenever we were out.

As I commented on how your skin was better than mine,
I remembered how we shared laughter together like old times.

As you said you felt better with my gentle rub,
I remembered the times we did things together like watch movies and shop.

As I poured tea into your cup and you did to mine,
I remembered the closeness we shared, a bond beyond normal friendship.

As I spoke to you about being careful of dealing with people’s emotions,
I remembered how we were a contrast of personalities within the same spectrum of connections.

As we stood up to leave and walk to the car,
I remembered how we started to share long chats into the night like before.

As we drove to your home,
I remembered how you were there for me as I was there for you.

As we reached your doorstep where I drop you off,
I remembered how distance didn’t matter between us because our friendship went beyond borders.

As I hugged you closely and tightly,
I remembered the closeness that we share, a warmth emitting from the fires of trust.

As I said goodbye to you and we both agreed to meet up again,
I remembered that time forges the ties between individuals, the knots knocked together by the hammer of shared experiences.

As I drove towards home,
I remembered that home lies in our hearts, and that it gets warm with the people we choose to share them with.

Author’s notes:

I feel we all have that special type of friend. The one who surpasses the state of mere love interest.
The one whom we’ve known for so long that he or she becomes a part of our lives. A part of our circle of trust. A part of our being.

The one whom we might have had history (the romantic kind) with, but the relationship has evolved instead to something pure and unadulterated. A bond that is beyond just surface romance.

The one whom we have met at a crossroad in time before and passed each other by, not stopping to look.
And as we go our own ways, our roads somehow come full circle and we meet again.
This time we manage to stop at the same pitstop and play catch up. We bring to the table our own experiences of our journeys.

And sometimes, we have moments when we look at each other and think “what if”.
What if we had stopped during that earlier crossroad. What if things were different.

Life plays a funny game with all of us even though we think we are in control of the board.
But somehow, in instances such as these, we come out somewhat winners with no losers.

It is a bond built upon pure honesty.
No lies or half truths, but pure memories and true ties.

When writing this piece I had this imagery of parallel timelines that somehow diverged and intersected into each other.

Was inspired when meeting up with a friend whom I’ve known for so many years with quite a lot of shared history.

Poetry : I Will Protect You


It was huge anticipation,
The fear real and palpable,
You can’t ease such a tension,
You can’t turn emotions stable.

He let out a heavy sigh,
The mission loomed so near,
He couldn’t picture the outcome,
Her breath he could also hear.

He looked before him at the wall,
She standing on the other side,
She too feared for what was to come,
Feelings she could not hide.

He spoke up to her hiding his fears,
Hoping his words reached her,
“Whatever happens do be scared,”
“I will protect you rest assure,”

She was silent as she listened,
Her hand placed on her heart,
He continued still as best he could,
“We’ll never be apart.”

She choked a little at his words,
To speak but failed, she tried,
“I will be there, watch over you,”
“Even if I died.”

Time came and they made their way,
Stood before the huge device,
They choked and took many deep breaths,
Exchanging glances twice.

“It’s time right now. Are you ready?”
“It’s time for you to go,”
The Guardian said in his voice,
Heavy his words were so.

Without a word she stepped forward,
And he too followed suit,
The both of them then started it,
They removed their clothes and boots.

The purest moment when clothes fell,
Sliding onto the floor,
All that was left was bare skin,
Vulnerable, uncovered, pure.

Both looked away to hide their fears,
Vulnerable and suffocating,
Yet both snuck glances at each other,
The sight was intoxicating.

But she was a person with a mask,
Her face defiant strong,
She stepped right up onto the floor,
As if nothing was wrong.

He followed close right after her,
And stood before her still,
They stood facing each other,
The air brought with it a chill.

She maintained her look,
Strong and calm, being unafraid,
But facades put up began to fail,
True feelings showed instead.

His words mentioned to her before,
Echoed in mind and hit her,
No matter the walls and shields put up,
Truth overcomes the barrier.

He looked straight right into her eyes,
Gently he called out to her,
“It’s okay. It’ll be alright,”
“I’ll protect you, I’m right here.”

She looked at him and it came to her,
A tiny smile appeared,
His eyes pierced right into hers,
Conviction she felt assured.

And then it began, the process started,
The machine was switched on,
They both floated and they held each other,
On a journey to beyond.

It was painful and unbearable,
Body and soul torn apart,
Pain as time start to distort,
Wincing and breathing hard.

Time affects our bodies in ways,
Our bodies grow with it,
Making it go beyond its course,
The body takes a hit.

A painful journey, distortions made,
To fabric time and space,
And suddenly it was all over,
They arrived in state of daze.

She was scared, she was afraid,
She didn’t know what to do,
But then his strong arms reached out to her,
Held her safe and true.

“Hey! Hey! Look right here!”
She looked at him in kind,
“I’m right here! You’re alright!”
“We’ve made it well in time!”

His eyes brought comfort to her soul,
In all the pain and daze,
Her body felt weak, felt so dizzy,
He held her in safe embrace.

His skin on hers made her warm,
She felt secured and safe,
Her fears and emotions, doubts and all,
Faded, in his arms she caved.

It wasn’t long before the cops came,
To bring these two away,
But all was right, all was fine,
So long as he would stay.

“I will take care and protect you,”
“Watch over you I swear,”
“No matter where or how far you are,”
“Just know that I’ll be there.”

I’ll be there for you,
To protect you,
To watch over you,
Make sure no harm comes to you.

Even though she had grew,
To not have emotions true,
His words rang right through,
That in him she trusted too.

Author’s note:

This piece was inspired by a scene from the new movie Terminator Genisys.

There was something very pure, very beautiful about this scene.

You sensed fear and a building connection between two characters as they faced the unknown.

Above all, it was the idea of comforting someone you cared for and would die for that got to me. To speak one’s heart out to that person with a conviction and belief. To be able to make a promise with such conviction that it lowers the wall and allow for trust and faith to enter someone’s heart.

The emotions played by the actors was well done. Emilia Clarke who plays Sarah Connor did a good job with portraying the emotions felt when by Kyle Reese’s played by Jai Courtney spoke those words.

You could connect and hear the whispers of her heart. Inspiring and beautiful visual and performance that gave birth to this imagery and a need to write it out in words.